Relieving the stigma of interaction on public transport.

Abuse on TFL

On my normal journey to meet my friends on the VERY hot central line towards Epping going to Leytonstone. I had stopped Tracy who was going from carriage to carriage checking to see if everyone had a valid payment method. As she took my Oyster to check if it was valid I took my advantage with asking some questions;

Me: Hey, I'd like to ask a few questions for a blog I'm doing for my University if you don't mind

T: Hi, of course not these little things make my job that much more fun

Me: Tell me a good and bad experience you've had whilst working here if you don't mind

T: Well, I've been working for TFL for over five years and you can only imagine what I've been through. The best moments are having people who stop and just say Hi. Honestly it makes me day because everyone else acts as if you're a stranger and just there to direct them to different lines, show them the routes, and more. The challenge and bad parts of this job is working on the weekends. As much as it's fun I've witnessed a lot of anti social behaviour.

Me: When you say anti social behaviour can you discuss what you mean maybe?

T: In terms of a series of people going out on the weekend getting drunk which is completely fine however, most of the direct contact comes from drunk people. They get loud, violent, and all sorts. Which is why certain laws have been put into where people can no longer drink alcohol or carry open containers of alcohol on public transport. That including buses, trams, tubes.

Me: How do you deal with that such behaviour or challenges?

T: With kindness. In terms of dealing with it can be difficult as I'm small I have been all my life so I pretty much try to get my other colleagues to help. It can be hard because everyone is different and you to deal with everyone differently. But the policies are quite straightforward.

Me: Thank you so much for answering my questions I'm cutting it short as the next stop is me but could I potentially take a picture of you or with you?

T: I'd love to however my kids would be so embarrassed if I did. So I'll have to decline.

In essence, the dealings of the everyday life on TFL is very different for different people. The abuse they face on a daily basis is very evident and is highlighted on weekends.
As far as being more cautious of TFL workers everyone should be!
Have a good day and Say Hi! to a driver.

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