Relieving the stigma of interaction on public transport.

If something is broken- we fix it?!

If a train or bus was broken, it would be easy to assess the damage and fix it. However, if a driver is becoming distant or an under performer, the reasons may not be so clear cut. For example, a colleague coming to work with a broken arm, they would have a plaster on, whereas with stress there could be no visible signs at all.However, stress is a major factor in the mental well-being of a driver. One article i found suggested that it should be the employers that ask themselves these questions:
  • How emotional are support services available for drivers?
  • How physical are there opportunities for exercise?
  • How community do long hours make social activities difficult?
  • Do friends and family do long periods away from home increase isolation, depression?
  • Do work practices increase stress and anxiety?
  • Do pay rates and pay structure increase fatigue?
  • Do company and individual values align?
Mental health charity "Time to Change" has found that when people are asked how they are, three-quarters of people will say ‘I’m fine’ even if they are struggling with a mental health problem. “We are encouraging everybody to ask twice,” says Jo Loughran, director of Time to Change. “Asking twice – ‘Are you sure you’re ok?’ – means people are much more likely to open up in conversation.”. Therefore, our campaign is fitting as we as commuters could do our bit and simply say hi or ask how they are! More importantly though, employers should open up more channels for drivers to open up about any mental health issues.
An increase in mental health issues among drivers is no surprise when many are subjected to abuse on a daily basis. Read these articles here to get a feel of what they have to deal with: 

The government do try and take action on abuse on public transport but this won't tackle depression or isolation. We should try our best to create a nice environment and atmosphere for the staff.


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