- How often do people talk to you?
- Do people make the effort to smile, be polite or ask about your day?
- Do you think people see you as an extension of the service rather than a real person? Do you think the glass protection contributes to this dehumanizing
- Do you think people recognise the difficulties of working on public transport? Health problems, mental health issues or abuse.
- Do you see other passengers interact with each other?
- Do you think there is a stigma around communication on public transport? Between passengers, staff or management.
- Whats the worst things that you've seen or had to experience on your job?
- How would you evaluate the interaction and communication between service controllers and yourselves.
Add any other questions you think we should include!
For question 6, we might have to explain what we mean by 'stigma around communication'. I can't remember the name for the interview technique which basically requires the interviewer to explain the question, but we should add something like: "by stigma, we mean an unspoken but widely accepted disapproval towards interaction on public transport".